Sample Lesson and Unit Plans
"Secret Path" Music Unit
Lesson Plans
This unit encompasses learning instrument skills on the ukulele, creative listening, social justice, Indigenous worldviews, and composition. Inspired by Gord Downie’s work “Secret Path”, students will explore and understand complex ideas and express their thoughts through music. This unit can be adapted for a range of grade levels from intermediate elementary to secondary. There are also opportunities for cross-curricular connections to English/Language Arts and Social Studies.
"Songs about Justice" Music Unit
I taught this unit during my short practicum experience at a fine arts school. I wanted to introduce students to musical and historical movements and examine how music plays a unique role in activism. I go through different eras, events and musical styles and have students think critically and discuss their thoughts with their peers. In the end, students will compose a piece based on a specific social issue they feel strongly about. There are opportunities for cross-curricular connections to English/Language Arts, Social Studies and History.
"Environmental Education and Music" Unit Proposal
During my environmental education minor, I was challenged with the task of creating a unit proposal based around an Oceanwise resource that incorporates a field experience. I decided to use this resource to program a concert with the theme of environmental stewardship and sustainability where all the pieces reflect on themes of environmentalism or ocean imagery.
My plan for this unit is to have students explore their understanding and relationship with nature, the ocean, and their personal impact on the planet. Students will go on a field trip to do a shoreline clean up, critically reflect on the experience, and come up with ways to help the cause and show their connection to the theme. The music we learn will enhance our connection to the theme of environmental action, and deepening our relationship with the land will enhance our experience making music. This unit can be a cross-curricular initiative for sciences and outdoor/environmental education.